Dr.Sandra Prāve

General practice doctor, phlebologist

Dr.Sandra Prāve has specialised in diagnostics of vein diseases, US Duplex-guided foam sclerotherapy technique, small venous capillary sclerotherapy and capillary transcutaneous laser coagulation.

During her 15 years long practice she has examined more than seven thousand patients. Her professionalism has been highly evaluated by the famous professor of University of Bonn (Germany) Eberhard Rabe. It is not insignificant that a woman-phlebologist brings a certain psychological comfort in work with patients.

Dr.Sandra Prāve systematically improves her knowledge in various European clinics, she regularly attends courses organised by professor Varady in Germany. During the pre-diploma courses at Stradins University Clinical Hospital and Baltic Society of Phlebology courses organised in cooperation with E. Rabe she profoundly mastered the blood-vessel ultrasound method.

Dr. Sandra Prāve is author of many scintific publications. She is a member of Latvian Society of Phlebology and Baltic Society of Phlebology.

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