Dr. med. Andrejs Vanags

Surgeon, phlebologist, Doctor of Medicine

Dr. med. Andrejs Vanags graduated Riga Stradins University in 2002 and in 2007 the certificate of surgeon was obtained. In 2010 PhD was acquired for thesis “”Population screening of hereditary cancer syndromes in Valka region”. Postgraduate skills were complemented in University of Poitiers, France. He is specialized in minimally invasive and laparoscopic surgery; member of Latvian Surgeon Association; Latvian Scientific Council expert since 2012.

Dr. med. Andrejs Vanags is an author of 7 Pubmed publications and have 175 publications and reports in international and local conferences and congresses. Andrejs Vanags had in-service international training in phlebology. Knowledge are improved in International European and World conferences and conferences on regular basis.   

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